Ram Avraham Hashmonay


Ram A. Hashmonay, Sc.D.

Date and Place of Birth: June 6, 1962, Haifa, Israel

Citizenship: Israel

Marital Status: Married + 3 children


Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, B.S., 1988, Physics, Atmospheric Sciences

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, M.S., 1990, Atmospheric Sciences

Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, Sc.D.,1996, Environmental Sciences

Teaching Experience:

3/94 - 9/96: Teaching Assistant at the Technion in Hydrology Engineering

10/92 - 7/93: Teaching Assistant at the Hebrew University in Planetary Astronomy and Atmospheric Thermodynamics.

3/92 - 9/92: Teaching Assistant at the Physics Dept., Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa., USA, in Optics and Thermodynamics for undergraduate engineering students.

10/90 - 2/92: Teaching Assistant at the Hebrew University in Planetary Astronomy, Atmospheric Thermodynamics, Atmospheric Physics, Remote Sensing and Dynamic Meteorology. A teacher in a high school for gifted children in Physics, Planetary Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences.

10/88 - 7/90 Teaching Assistant at the Hebrew University in Planetary Astronomy and Atmospheric Thermodynamics.

Research Experience:

9/96 - Present: Research Associate at University of Washington, Dept. of Environmental Health working on various applications of Computed Tomography and Optical Remote Sensing (primarily OP-FTIR) to industrial hygiene and environmental set-ups. Also working on the application of Lidar to measure pesticide plumes and light extinction by aerosol particles.

10/93 - 9/96: Doctoral Student, Environmental Sciences, Technion, Research Assistant at the Technion, Haifa, in Open-Path Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) measurements of gaseous air pollutants concentrations and estimation of emission rates from fugitive sources using dispersion modeling and mathematical inversion techniques.

3/92 - 9/92: Research Assistant in light scattering by atmospheric particles at Drexel University, Philadelphia.

10/90 - 2/92: Research Assistant at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, in light scattering by atmospheric particles and measurements of gaseous air pollutants concentrations with Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL).

10/88 - 7/90: Research Assistant at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, in Lidar measurements in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) and in light scattering by atmospheric particles.

Professional Experience:

10/92 - 10/93: Quality Assurance Manager in Mivdeket Hagalil - Soil and Concrete Laboratory in the Construction Industry.

9/83 - 9/85: Laboratory Technician in Mivdeket Hagalil - Soil and Concrete Laboratory in the Construction Industry.

Membership in Societies:

  1. Air and Waste Management Association (A&WMA) since 1995.
  2. Israel Ecological Society & Environmental Quality Sciences since 1994.

Honors, Prizes and Fellowships:

  1. Scholarship awarded by the Rashi Foundation, 1994/1995.
  2. A Prize awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Environment, for Excelled doctoral students in the environmental sciences, 1994.
  3. A Prize for distinguished graduate student presentation, Annual Meeting of the Israeli Ecological Society, 1994.
  4. Golda Meir Foundation Fellowship awarded for excellent M.S. research proposal and academic achievements, 1989.
  5. A Grant awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Environment, for research in OP-FTIR measurements in the Vicinity of Landfills, 1995.



  1. R.A. Hashmonay, "An Algorithm for Lidar Observation of the Atmospheric Boundary layer in Jerusalem", M.Sc. Thesis, 94 p., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (1990).
  2. R.A. Hashmonay, "Estimates of Emission Rates of Fugitive Air Pollution Sources, Using Optical Remote Sensing - Open Path Fourier Transform Infrared Interferometer", Sc.D. Dissertation, 144 p., Technion, Haifa ,Israel (1996).

Peer Reviewed Papers

Published or Accepted:

  1. R. Hashmonay, A. Cohen and U. Dayan, " Lidar Observations of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Jerusalem", J. Appl. Meteor., 30, 1228-1236 (1991).
  2. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost, Y. Mamane and Y. Benayahu, "Emission Rate Apportionment from Fugitive Sources Using Open-Path FTIR and Mathematical Inversion", Accepted for publication in Atmospheric Environment, May 1998.
  3. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost and Chang-Fu Wu, "Computed Tomography of Air Pollutants Using Radial Scanning Path-Integrated Optical Remote Sensing", Accepted for publication in Atmospheric Environment, March 1998.
  4. R.A. Hashmonay and M.G. Yost: "Innovative Approach for Estimating Gaseous Fugitive Fluxes Using Computed Tomography and Remote Optical Sensing Techniques", accepted in Journal of A&WMA, July 1998.
  5. Yost M.G., Zhou Y., Park D.Y., Hashmonay R.A., Spear R. and Levine S., "Estimating Maximum Concentrations for Open Path Monitoring Along a Fixed Beam Path", Accepted for publication in A&WMA, March 1998.
  6. R.A. Hashmonay and M.G. Yost., "Gaseous Emission Estimation from Fugitive Sources Using Optical Remote Sensing and Computed Tomography Techniques", Accepted for publication in proceedings of 1998 Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1998.


  1. R.A. Hashmonay and M.G. Yost: "On the Application of OP-FTIR Spectroscopy to Measure Aerosols: Observations of Water Droplets", Submitted to Environmental Science & Technology, August 1998.
  2. R.A. Hashmonay and M.G. Yost: "Localizing Gaseous Fugitive Emission Sources by Combining Real Time Optical Remote Sensing and Wind Data", submitted to Journal of A&WMA, July 1998.
  3. Lee A. Newman, Xiaoping Wang, Remi Cortellucci, Robert S. Crampton, Stuart Strand, David Domroes, James Duffy, Gordon Ekuan, George Karscig, Indulis A. Muiznieks, Tim Newman, Ram A. Hashmonay, Martin Ruszaj, Paul Heilman, Michael G. Yost, and Milton P. Gordon, "Remediation of Trichloroethylene in an Artificial Aquifer with Trees: A Controlled Field Study", Submitted to Environmental Science & Technology in July 1998.

In Preparation:

  1. Wu, C.F., Yost M.G., Hashmonay, R.A., Park D.Y., "Computed Tomography of Air Pollutants Using Radial Scanning Path-Integrated Optical Remote Sensing: Indoor Validation Study using OP-FTIR", In preparation for submission to Atmospheric Environment.
  2. Crampton, R.S., Yost, M.G., Hashmonay, R.A., and Larson T.V., "Open Path FTIR Urban Air Mobile Source Apportionment", In preparation for submission to Atmospheric Environment.
  3. Yost, M.G., Hashmonay, R.A., Chen, S.K., Crampton, R.S., "Bi-Beam Strategy: A New Beam Geometry for Open-Path FTIR Sampling in Workplaces", In preparation for submission to American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal.

Proceedings of International Conferences

Published or Accepted:

  1. R. Hashmonay, U. Dayan, O. Rosenberg and A. Cohen, "Lidar measurements of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Multiple Scattering in Jerusalem", Proceedings of the MUSCLE 5 International Workshop, Philadelphia, Nov. 1991.
  2. R.A. Hashmonay, Y. Mamane, Y. Benayahu and A. Cohen, " Estimation of Emission Rates from Non-Homogeneous Fugitive Sources Using Open-Path FTIR and Inversion Techniques", in Proceedings of the A&WMA International Conference on Optical Remote Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring, San Francisco, CA, Sept., 1995, 379-392.
  3. R.A. Hashmonay, Y. Mamane, G. Shelef, S. Kimchie, Y. Benayahu and A. Cohen, " Estimates of Emission Rates of Fugitive Air Pollution Sources Using Optical Remote Sensing - Open Path FTIR", in Proceedings of the sixth International Conference of the Israeli Society for Ecology & Environmental Quality Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1996, 172-175.
  4. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost, and Y. Mamane, " Mapping the Emission Rates over Fugitive Sources Using Open-Path FTIR and Inversion Techniques", in Proceedings of the A&WMA International Conference on Optical Remote Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring, Dallas, TX, Nov., 1996, 227-236.
  5. Hashmonay, R.A., Yost M.G., Wu, C.F., "Ambient Gaseous Leak Detection Using Radial Scanning Computed Tomography and Optical Remote Sensing", Submitted to proceedings of SPIE Environmental Monitoring and Remdiation Technologies Conference, to be held November 1998, Boston.
  6. Todd, L.A., Jacobs, M., Yost, M.G., Hashmonay, R.A.," Trends and Future applications of Optical Remote Sensing and Computed Tomography to map Air contaminants", Submitted to proceedings of SPIE Environmental Monitoring and Remdiation Technologies Conference, to be held November 1998, Boston.

Abstracts and Posters

  1. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost and R.S. Crampton: "Mapping Gas Emission Rates at Hanford's Tank Farms Using Open-Path FTIR and Computed Tomography Techniques", Presented in a poster session in the second annual meeting of the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP) Pack-Forest WA, June 1997.
  2. R.A. Hashmonay and M.G. Yost: "Multi-Beam Segmentation Strategy: a New Beam Geometry for Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP-FTIR) Exposure Assessment in Workplaces", Presented in a platform session in the American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Atlanta GA, May 1998.
  3. C.F. Wu, R.A. Hashmonay, D.Y. Park and M.G. Yost: "Development of a Radial Scanning Beam Configuration for Identification of Gas Leak Location with Use of an OP-FTIR and Computed Tomographic Technique", Presented in a poster session in the American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Atlanta GA, May 1998.
  4. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost and R.S. Crampton: "Open-Path FTIR Observation of Water Aerosol Ambient Concentration and Size Distribution" Presented in a poster session in American Aerosol Society Conference, Cincinnati OH, June 1998.
  5. R.A. Hashmonay and M.G. Yost: "Gaseous Emission Estimation from Hanford Site Fugitive Sources Using OP-FTIR and Computed Tomography Techniques", Presented in a poster session in the third annual meeting of the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP), Poccono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) NJ, June 1998.
  6. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost, C.F. Wu and D.Y. Park: "Novel Radial Beam Geometry to Detect Gas Leak Location Using OP-FTIR and Computed Tomography Techniques", Presented in a poster session in the third annual meeting of the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP), Poccono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) NJ, June 1998.
  7. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost and R.S. Crampton: "Novel Application of Open-Path FTIR Spectroscopy to measure Aerosol Ambient Concentration and Size Distribution", Presented in a poster session in the third annual meeting of the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP) Poccono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) NJ, June 1998.
  8. R.A. Hashmonay, M.G. Yost , "Ammonia Emissions at Hanford's Tank Farms Using Computed Tomography and Remote Optical Sensing of Emissions (CT-ROSE) System" To be posted at Health of the Hanford Site Conference, November 1998, Richland WA.